As another term draws to a close, educators around the world embark on the important task of providing thoughtful and meaningful end-of-term 2 comments for their students. Here you can find Term 1 and end-of-the-year comments too. These comments serve as a culmination of a semester’s worth of hard work, growth, and progress. In this article, we will explore the significance of incorporating social and emotional aspects into academic comments, and provide some sample comments that kindergarten and elementary teachers can utilize to inspire and support their own writing.
The Power of Holistic Comments:

While academic achievements undoubtedly play a central role in end-of-term comments, it is equally important to acknowledge the social and emotional growth that students experience throughout the term. By embracing a holistic approach, educators can nurture their students’ overall development and well-being, fostering an environment that values both academic success and emotional intelligence.
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Including Social and Emotional Comments:
- Celebrating Empathy and Kindness:
[Student’s Name] consistently demonstrates empathy and kindness towards their classmates. They actively listen, offer support, and show genuine care for others’ feelings. Their positive influence on the classroom environment is commendable. - Building Resilience:
[Student’s Name] has shown remarkable resilience in the face of challenges this term. They persistently tackle difficult tasks, embrace mistakes as learning opportunities, and display a growth mindset. Their perseverance is inspiring. - Developing Communication Skills:
[Student’s Name] has made significant progress in their communication skills. They express their thoughts and ideas clearly and respectfully, actively participate in class discussions, and contribute to collaborative projects with enthusiasm. Their ability to articulate themselves is impressive.
Sample Academic Comments:
- Reading Comprehension:
[Student’s Name] has made great strides in their reading comprehension skills. They confidently decode words, comprehend complex texts, and engage in thoughtful discussions about the content. They consistently demonstrate a love for reading. - Mathematical Problem Solving:
[Student’s Name] exhibits a strong aptitude for mathematical problem-solving. They approach challenges with analytical thinking, apply mathematical concepts creatively, and exhibit excellent problem-solving strategies. Their enthusiasm for mathematics is evident. - Writing Skills:
[Student’s Name] has developed into a skilled writer this term. Their written work shows a depth of understanding, organization, and creativity. They effectively use descriptive language and convey their thoughts with clarity and purpose.
Sample Academic, Social and Emotional Comments
[Student’s Name] gets along well with his peers and teachers, making friends at school easily. He is one of our model students who is also willing to offer assistance to children who might be in need. [Student’s Name] is always absorbing new information with relative ease and is quick to share his knowledge with his friends. He is a happy child, who is growing with confidence and ability daily. He shows a strong understanding of all the Math concepts he learned this term and now he is developing in mental Math adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers. I am incredibly happy with his progress in Phonics and excited that he has started on the journey of reading for joy. His next step is to read what he writes and do self-correction when needed. In Science, [Student’s Name] can investigate and predict what might happen, his next step is to draw up his plan and prediction.
[Student’s Name] is a hard-working and energetic learner. Throughout term two she has continued to grow in confidence to contribute to the classroom discussions during small groups and carpet time. Her outgoing nature leads her to be a well-liked student who is always willing to help out. _________ has worked hard on her writing skills this term. She has enjoyed learning to write her own stories independently, coming up with new characters and settings each week. She is now learning to write longer sentences using the words and, but and because. In math, _________ has mastered counting to 100 by 2s, 5s, and 10s. She is now exploring teen numbers and how to break them into tens and ones. In Science, _________ has been exploring plants and their needs. She has also enjoyed exploring the effects of the sun and is now learning how to protect species from its effects. Excellent work, _________!
[Student’s Name] is an engaged and enthusiastic learner. Throughout term two, _________ has improved his listening skills and now contributes to classroom discussions frequently. He has enjoyed learning to read three- and four-letter words, and he has begun using these in sentences. _________ has improved his reading skills through consistent practice in class and he is now challenging himself to read books without sounding out words. In math, _________ has shown a great interest in learning about shapes. He is now challenging himself with sorting 2D and 3D shapes. He has worked hard on his number formation and can now write numbers 1-20. In Science, _________ has enjoyed learning about the sun and its effects on the earth. He is now challenging himself to learn more English vocabulary for making predictions about experiments. Well done, _________!
[Student’s Name] is an energetic, social learner. She settled back into the classroom routine in term 2 and began contributing to discussions during carpet time. She is a well-liked student who is always willing to help her friends. _________ has developed her reading skills throughout the term by using our sound of the week to write sentences with new vocabulary. She has been working on creating new stories with her talking partner and drawing story maps. _________ continues to show a passion for math. She has enjoyed learning about teen numbers and how we can break them down into tens and ones. _________ is now working on creating 3D shapes from flat 2D shapes. In Science, she has been learning about the effects of the sun and how we can protect varied species from its effects. Great work, _________!
[Student’s Name] is an engaged and hard-working student. Throughout term two, she has contributed consistently to classroom discussions during carpet time and in small groups. She is a kind, caring student who is always helping others and making sure her friends are smiling. _________ has worked hard on her writing this term. She has been learning about writing new stories with her talking partner, using new characters and settings. _________ continues to work hard on her reading skills, she is now working on reading without sounding aloud. _________ enjoyed learning math this term, particularly exploring shapes. She has been learning how to make 3D shapes from 2D shapes. She is now challenging herself with representing teen numbers in tens and ones. In Science, _________ has enjoyed learning about the needs of plants and how we can take care of them. Excellent work _________!
[Student’s Name] is a capable and enthusiastic learner. Throughout term two, _________ has begun contributing to classroom discussions during carpet time. She is a well-liked student who enjoys playing and socializing with all students in the school. _________ has put a lot of effort into her reading skills this term and has enjoyed reading words with three letters. She is now working on creating simple sentences using familiar words. In Math, _________ has learned to count to 20 and she has also learned to count to 100 in 10s. She is now learning about 2D shapes and how we can use them to create 3D shapes. In Science, _________ has enjoyed learning about parts of plants and what they need to survive in their environment. She is now learning about the effects of the sun and learning new vocabulary to make predictions. Fantastic job, _________!
[Student’s Name] is an eager and passionate student. He has made great progress throughout the term by being an active participant in all activities. He is a positive, kind student who enjoys helping and playing with other students in the school. In English, _________ has worked hard on his writing this term- focusing on punctuation, capital letters, and finger spaces. He has shown a great passion for story writing and drawing story maps. He is now challenging himself by reading higher leveled books. _________ continues to show interest in math. He has really enjoyed learning how to break larger numbers into tens and ones. He is now challenging himself with constructing 3D shapes and analyzing what they are made of. In Science, _________ has been exploring the effects of the sun on the earth and how we can protect humans and animals from its effects. Well done, _________!
[Student’s Name] is a confident and capable student. Throughout term two, she has made great progress by being an active participant in all lessons. She is a well-liked student who is always willing to help her friends and teachers. _________has worked hard on her writing skills this term and has learned to write longer sentences using the words and, but, and because. She is now learning how to create her own stories using new characters and settings. She has shown a great passion for reading and enjoys reading new stories with her talking partner. In math, _________has enjoyed learning about graphs and gathering information from her friends about different topics. She is now challenging herself by breaking down large numbers into tens and ones. In Science, _________has enjoyed learning about plants and what they need to survive in different environments. Excellent work _________!
[Student’s Name] is a passionate and eager student. She continues to be an active participant in all classroom discussions during carpet time and small group work. She is a kind student who enjoys helping and playing with others. _________ has worked hard on her reading and she has become a confident fluent reader. She is now working on sentence structure- capital letters, punctuation, and learning to put finger spaces between words. She has shown great imagination in creating her own stories this term. In math, _________ has mastered counting to 100 by 10s and 5s. She has really enjoyed learning about collecting information about different topics and recording the data on a graph. She is now learning how to create 3D shapes from the 2D shapes she has previously learned. In Science, _________ has enjoyed learning about the effects of the sun and how to create shelter from the sun. Wonderful job _________!
[Student’s Name] is an eager and capable student. Throughout term two, he has contributed to classroom discussions during carpet time and small group work. He is an energetic, kind student who enjoys playing with his classmates and is always willing to help. _________ has worked hard on reading three-letter words this term and he has really enjoyed showing his skills each day. He is now challenging himself to write sentences using new vocabulary learned throughout the week. In math, _________ has enjoyed learning to gain information through reading graphs. He is now challenging himself with learning 2D shapes and using them to create 3D shapes. In Science, _________ has enjoyed watching the plants in our classroom grow and learning what they need to survive. He is now learning about the effects of the sun on the earth. Well done, _________!
[Student’s Name] s an enthusiastic and capable student. Throughout the term, he has been an active participant in all classroom activities. _________ is an outgoing, social student who enjoys playing with all students in the school. In English, he has been working hard on his writing skills and has improved his handwriting and knowledge of punctuation. _________ is now learning to create stories with his talking partner- creating new characters, settings, and storylines. He has shown a keen interest in learning math this term and has specifically enjoyed learning about gathering information for graph making. _________ is now learning about their 3D shapes and how they are made. In Science, he has been exploring the effects of the sun on the earth. _________ is now learning how to protect us from its effects. Well done, _________!
[Student’s Name] is a confident and eager student. Throughout the term, he has been an active participant in classroom discussions during science. _________ is a kind and caring student who enjoys playing with the students in the class- making sure everyone feels included. In English, he has made excellent progress in his reading, through daily practice. _________ has enjoyed learning new sounds each week and he is now learning how to use new vocabulary in his writing._________ has shown a passion for math this term, he has been particularly engaged during geometry lessons while learning about 2D and 3D shapes. He is challenging himself by learning to break down large numbers into tens and ones. In Science, _________ made amazing observations while learning about the sun’s effects and is now learning to adjust to the shelter he created. Excellent job, _________!
[Student’s Name] is a hard-working and enthusiastic student. She has worked hard on her confidence over this term to contribute to classroom activities during carpet time and small group work. _________ is a social and kind student who enjoys playing with her friends and _________, during break time. In English, she has made excellent progress with her reading this term and is now reading three- and four-letter words. She continues to challenge herself with writing sentences using the new vocabulary learned. _________ has learned to count and recognize numbers 1-20 and 100 by 10. She is now learning about 2D shapes and how to use them to create 3D shapes. In Science, _________ has enjoyed learning about how plants grow and what they need to survive in the environment. She is now learning what effects the sun has on humans and animals. Well done, _________!
[Student’s Name] is a driven and enthusiastic learner. She has continued to make great progress across all subjects this term and consistently participates in all activities. _________ is a kind and compassionate student who enjoys playing with the students in her class. Throughout this term, she has been developing her story-writing skills- drawing story maps, and creating new characters, settings, and storylines. She is now working on lengthening her sentences using and, but, and because. In math, _________ has mastered counting to 100 by 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s. She has enjoyed learning about 3D shapes and how they are made. _________ is now learning to break down larger numbers into tens and ones. In Science, she has enjoyed documenting the growth of plants and what they need to grow. She is now learning about the effects of the sun on the earth. Well done, _________!
[Student’s Name] is a dedicated and eager student. He is still developing his confidence to participate in whole-class discussions, however, he consistently contributes to small-group activities. _________ has made excellent progress with his reading this term through continuous practice on Raz Kids. He is now learning to read without sounding aloud and he is challenging himself with more difficult books. _________ has also enjoyed creating his own stories. In math, he has shown an interest in learning how to collect data and represent the findings on a graph. He has been challenging himself with learning to count by 5s and he is also learning to break down larger numbers into tens and ones. In Science, _________ has enjoyed exploring the sun’s effects on different objects like ice and chocolate. He is now learning about the effect the sun has on humans and animals. Excellent work, _________!
[Student’s Name] is a curious and eager student. He has made good progress this term and is beginning to contribute to classroom discussions during carpet time. He is a lively, happy student who enjoys playing football with his friends during playtime. _________ is still challenging himself with developing his reading skills. Throughout the term, he has worked hard to develop his writing skills and begun writing his own stories. In math, _________ has learned to count to 100 by 1s and 10s. He has shown an interest in learning to read graphs to gain new information. He is now learning about 2D shapes and how we can use them to create 3D shapes. In science, _________ has enjoyed taking part in experiments using different liquids to grow plants. He has made great observations of how liquids affect growth. He is now learning about the suns effects on the earth. Well done, _________!
[Student’s Name] is an eager and passionate student. She has contributed consistently to all classroom discussions and activities throughout the term. She is a kind and caring student who is well-liked by all of her classmates. _________ has really enjoyed learning how to create her own stories with new characters, settings, and storylines. She is now challenging herself to read more difficult books with complex words. In math, she has continued to learn how to break down large numbers into tens and ones. _________ has also learned to count to 100 by 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s. She is now challenging herself with learning how to create 3D shapes from 2D shapes. In Science, _________ showed a keen interest in learning to grow different plants and what they need. She is now learning about the effects of the sun on the earth. Well done, _________!
[Student’s Name] is an energetic, passionate student. She has grown considerably throughout the term and formed great friendships in the classroom. She has made a significant effort to eat snack and lunch with her friends and enjoys this time to socialize. _________ continues to show a great passion for the English language and has made amazing progress with reading this term. She is now challenging herself with reading more complex words. _________ has also started making progress with her writing- writing her name independently and drawing pictures that she can verbally explain. _________ has enjoyed learning to count to 100 in different ways this term. She has enjoyed learning how to create 3D shapes using different items in the classroom. In Science, _________ has enjoyed helping with plants and she is learning about what they need to grow. Well done, _________!
[Student’s Name] is a quiet and curious student. She is learning to develop her confidence to contribute to classroom discussions. She is a kind, compassionate student who is well-liked by her classmates. She enjoys playing outside with her friends during break time. _________ has made a significant effort with her reading this term and continues to improve each day. She is now challenging herself with writing sentences independently and learning to label her drawings. In math, _________ has mastered counting to 100 by 1s and 10s. She is now learning about 2D shapes and how we can use them to create 3D shapes. In science, _________ has enjoyed learning about the suns effects on the earth and she is now learning how we can protect humans and animals from this. She is also learning how to make predictions about experiments. Well done, _________!
[Student’s Name] is a driven and enthusiastic student. She has shown great progress this term by consistently contributing to classroom activities. She has enjoyed playing with her friends in the classroom and she is always willing to help those around her. _________ continues to show a great passion for reading and writing. She has been challenging herself by reading more difficult books without sounding aloud. _________ has enjoyed creating her own stories this term- creating new characters, settings, and storylines. In math, she has shown an interest in collecting data about specific topics and recording her findings to create graphs. _________ is now learning about 2D shapes and how we can use them to create 3D shapes. In Science, she has enjoyed learning about the suns effects on the earth. She is now learning to create a shelter to protect humans and animals. Excellent work, _________!
[Student’s Name] is a passionate and driven student. He has shown great progress this term and consistently contributes during classroom activities._________ enjoys socializing with his friends and other students during playtime. In English, he has shown a great passion for reading. He has been challenging himself by reading complex words to further his vocabulary. _________ continues to improve his writing skills by practicing writing sentences each week. He has created amazing story maps using his imagination. In math, he has mastered counting to 100 by 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s. _________ is now challenging himself with breaking down numbers larger than 20 into tens and ones. In science, he has enjoyed exploring the suns effects on the earth and is currently adjusting his shelter to protect humans and animals. Fantastic work, _________!
[Student’s Name] is an enthusiastic and passionate student. He has continued to grow in confidence this term by contributing to classroom discussions and activities. _________ is a kind and joyful student who has formed great relationships within the classroom. He has shown a passion for learning the English language and has enjoyed creating his own stories this term. _________ is now challenging himself to create sentences independently and draw pictures with labels. In math, he has mastered counting to 100 by 1s and 10s. _________the sun’s effects is now learning about 2D shapes and how we can use them to create 3D shapes. In science, he has enjoyed learning about plants and what they need to grow. Taimour is now learning about the sun’s effects on the earth and how we can protect humans and animals. Fantastic work, _________!
[Student’s Name] is a curious and active learner. He is still adapting to the classroom routine; however, he has improved his listening skills throughout the term. He is still learning to socialize with his classmates. _________ has made a great effort to learn how to wash his hands and close his lunch box. He is also making an effort to sit on the carpet at the beginning of lessons. _________ has enjoyed learning letter sounds through our songs in the morning and he is now challenging himself to work with a small group. He is now challenging himself with learning to write his name. In math, he has been learning how to trace numbers one to five. He is also learning about 2D shapes and what they look like. In science, _________ has enjoyed taking part in experiments and he is still developing his English vocabulary. Good effort, _________!
[Student’s Name] I am so happy when _________ attends school. His confidence is growing every day. He is beginning to speak in front of others and with his friends. _________ would benefit from more exposure to rhyme and songs in English to enable him to communicate effectively with his friends and adults in school. He enjoys playing in the construction area and will build different things. In Phonics, _________] is trying hard to learn his sounds and how to blend and segment 2 letter words. He will write his name independently, however, he needs some reinforcement for his fine motor and cutting skills as discussed with you. _________ can count up to the number 10, we are going to work on recognizing, matching and writing the numerals up to 10 in term 3. For English I would like to see _________ accessing RAZkids and ExactPath daily at home, this will support his communication skills and understanding in the next MAP test.
[Student’s Name] is always willing to learn new things and enjoys sharing her learning in the classroom. In English, she utterly enjoyed retelling stories through talk for writing. _________ was also the narrator in the play the class performed on Jack and the Beanstalk. Her next step is to be able to extend herself in writing more than 1 sentence independently and using the correct punctuation. In Math, _________ has demonstrated her ability to compose numbers to make 20. Her next step is to strengthen her understanding of subtraction using numerals. In Science, _________ can articulate the needs of plants and animals in detail. She was able to relate to her needs with the needs of plants and animals. [Student’s Name]’s next step is to be able to extend her understanding of how plants and animals can change the surrounding environment to better meet their needs. Fantastic effort, _________!
[Student’s Name] is highly organized and would make sure items were returned and placed in the correct spot. _________ is beginning to share his opinions in the classroom. He likes to write and read at the reading station. In fact, his handwriting has improved tremendously. In Phonics _________ is now able to read some simple sentences. He also was thrilled to act out as the character Fox in the story of the Gingerbread Man. His next step is to read more tricky words and be able to spell them. In Math, _________ has demonstrated his ability to compose numbers to make 10 and is now learning about his teen numbers. In Science, he can identify some of the needs of a plant for it to survive. His next step is to describe the relationship of plants and animals to their environment. It can benefit _________ if he logs into ExactPath every day and reads a story in RAZkids consistently every week at home.
[Student’s Name] enjoys supporting her classmates, for example, finding the correct letter sounds when her classmates are unsure of the letters. In Phonics, her reading has improved dramatically and is able to read simple stories. Her next step is to contract and write down more than 1 sentence independently. In Math, _________ is able to compose her numbers to 20. She can also identify more and less concepts. Her next step is to be able to solve simple addition and subtraction word problems. In Science, _________ enjoyed participating in the planting experiment. Her next step is to share her observations with other classmates using correct scientific vocabulary. It can benefit _________ if she logs into Exact Path every day and reads a story in RAZkids consistently every week to increase progress in English and Maths at home. Keep persevering, _________!
[Student’s Name] has made a lot of friends this term and loves being surrounded by them. She approaches her schoolwork with enthusiasm and is quick to help a friend who needs it. She is participating actively during our morning gatherings and small group sessions. In Phonics, _________ is able to read short stories with minimum support. She also enjoys drawing and labeling her pictures. Her next step is to build simple sentences and write them out using writing strategies correctly. In Math, _________ has made good progress in adding and subtracting within 20 and is learning how to solve Math word problems. _________ enjoyed spending time at the Science Weather Station, where she drew many sorts of weather and the effects of intense sunlight on humans and animals. Her next step is to expand her vocabulary which will allow her to speak in complete sentences.
[Student’s Name] is a quiet, observant and friendly student who has developed positive relationships with his classmates. He is beginning to take responsibility for his learning and is showing more enthusiasm for certain activities as well as beginning to show a positive outlook and attitude in the classroom. In Phonics, he can recognize most of the letter sounds and is able to read some three-letter words by sounding them out. _________’s next step is to learn how to segment short words independently and write them out, forming his letters correctly. In Math, _________ is able to add within 10 and is learning how to add and subtract within 20. He participated in all of our Science experiments and is now learning how to predict what can happen. His next step is to expand his vocabulary to be able to talk about his discoveries in complete sentences.
[Student’s Name] has kept good attendance throughout the term which has helped him to progress in all learning areas. He does still need to be supported to listen and complete his work in the allotted time. When encouraged to sit and complete an activity he does try to segment and write simple words to label his drawings. In term 3 _________ will focus on writing more than 1 sentence. _________’s math skills are improving daily. He is now beginning to solve number problems up to 10. In term 3 we will continue to work on identifying 3D shapes and their properties. Science as a subject always excites him as he loves experimenting and discovering new things and is developing his planning and predicting skills. I would like _________ to access Exact Path and RAZkids at home daily and independently, to support his learning further.
I am pleased with the steady progress _________ is making. He tries to answer questions during phonics and is becoming more confident using his sound knowledge to write a short sentence. His writing is improving gradually. For term 3, I would like _________ to write more than 1 sentence independently. _________ loves playing in the construction area with his classmates, building tall, stunning towers. During our science activities, _________ is trying to give explanations about his learning. During Bilingual- Science lessons, he would ask for support from Ms. [Teacher’s Name] in Arabic/Spanish if he cannot answer in English. His next step in Science is to develop planning and prediction skills. I would like _________ to use ExactPath and RazKids independently at home daily, to enhance his English reading and communication skills further. Keep up the good work.
[Student’s Name] is very organized, and he knows his class routine as soon as he comes into the classroom. He participates actively in learning in the classroom and is one of our role model students. _________’s reading has improved tremendously and is now can read almost any book that we have in our classroom library. He is also able to write short stories with minimum to no support. His next step is to use the right punctuation mark after each of his written sentences. In Math, he can add and subtract within 1000 and is learning about his ones and tens, his next step will be to identify hundreds too. _________ likes Science for all the exciting experiments that we had so far this year, such as predicting how fast a plant can grow if we water it with different solutions. His next step in Science is to develop planning and prediction skills.
[Student’s Name]’s behavior is excellent and she is a good role model to others. She enjoys our phonics sessions and is able to read any books that we have in our classroom library. In Math, _________ can add and subtract within 1000, can identify values of 2-digit numbers and her next step in term 3 will be to learn about the values of hundreds. In Phonics, she can write small paragraphs with minimal assistance, accurately forming her letters and drawing lovely and colorful pictures. Her next step is to write them independently and read what she writes and do self-correction when needed. _________ enjoyed all our science classes, especially planting seeds and observing the flowers changing their colors after adding food coloring to the water. She can investigate and predict what might happen, her next step is to draw up her plan and prediction.
[Student’s Name] interacts well with both his peers and adults alike. He always brings something to show his friends or talk about during our whole class discussions. His concentration is improving steadily and shows good levels of development when committed to work he enjoys. In Phonics, _________ has shown tremendous progress and is able to read simple stories with minimum support. His next step is to build and write more than 1 sentence independently. In Math, _________ is learning how to add and subtract within 20. He is also learning how to solve addition math word problems within 10. This term he spent lots of time at our science station discovering plants and animals’ needs and learning how plants and animals can change the environment to meet their needs. His next step is to develop planning and prediction skills. Well done, _________!
I am enjoying watching _________’s progress in different areas of learning in term 2. He is now able to focus on tasks for a sustained of time and feels proud to show his work to the teachers. _________ has an absolute love for animals and enjoys learning about them in the small world area and then joyfully sharing his discoveries with his peers and teachers. He also likes to build homes with blocks and cubes for the animals. In Math, he can now recognize his numbers to 5 with minimal support and his next step is to master this skill and learn how to form his numbers correctly. In Phonics, we will support _________ with blending sounds to read 2 letter words and then write them down. Please, remember to log into Exact Path and RAZkids to continue his learning at home.
[Student’s Name] is a cheerful boy, with a great sense of humor. He is confident and committed to his learning. I can always count on _________ to answer any questions and give detailed explanations. He can read a short paragraph and is learning how to write short stories independently. I would like him to remember to read what he has written and focus on his spelling, punctuation and letter formation for term 3. In Math, _________ can add and subtract 2-digit numbers and is learning about their values. In term 3 he will focus on the properties of 3D shapes e.g., how many faces does a cube have? _________ can give clear and precise explanations of his predictions during our science activities and he continues to be very creative in the art area, often drawing and painting his predictions. Well done, _________! I would like for _________ to access ExactPath at home to support his in-school learning further.
[Student’s Name] likes helping and supporting his classmates. He enjoys looking through books in the reading area in the classroom. _________ listens attentively to instructions given to him. In Phonics, he is able to blend and segment 4 letter words and some tricky words. _________is also beginning to add more details to his drawings. The next step is for _________ to read more tricky words and construct sentences. In Math, he is able to add numbers to 10 and write addition number sentences. The next step is for _________ to be able to solve subtraction number problems. In Science, he is able to reason out what happens when the plant’s needs are not met. _________’s next step is to be able to observe how plants and animals can change the environment to meet their needs. His progress can be accelerated further if he logs into ExactPath every day and works on his RAZkids reading consistently at home too.
[Student’s Name] works hard on any task presented to him and finds an opportunity to learn new skills, which has led to him making good progress this term. He is an independent and confident student. He has many friends and enjoys spending time with them. _________ is an enthusiastic class participant who is always keen to participate in any lesson, conversation, or activity that takes place. In Phonics, _________ is able to read short sentences and is learning how to write them down using his writing strategies correctly. In Math, _________ shows a strong understanding of all concepts that he learned so far. He can add and subtract within 1000 with ease. He is able to say how many tens and ones a number has and his next step is to learn about hundreds. Science as a subject always excites him as he loves experimenting and discovering new things and is developing his planning and predicting skills.
[Student’s Name] is an enthusiastic learner who enjoys every aspect of school. She is courteous and shows good manners in the classroom. _________ is confident to express her ideas and thoughts in class discussions. In Phonics,_________ can read any book that is in our library and is attempting to read informational books about inventions and technology. She also loves to read books to her friends. She has shown great improvement in her writing and is able to write short stories on her own. Her next step is to read what she writes and do self-correction when needed. In Math, she can identify values of 2-digit numbers and with some support is able to add and subtract within 100. In term 3 he will focus on the properties of 3D shapes, e.g., how many faces does a cube have? In Science _________ can investigate and predict what might happen, her next step is to draw up her plan and prediction.
[Student’s Name] is a quiet and kind boy. He actively engages in working carefully and consistently uses his personal best effort on a daily basis. In Phonics, he can read small captions and is attempting to write sentences with some support. I would like him to remember to read what he has written and focus on his spelling and punctuation for term 3. In Mathematics, _________ can add and subtract within 20 and is learning about teen numbers and their values. In term 3 he will focus on the properties of 3D shapes e.g. How many faces does a cube have? Science as a subject always excites him as he loves experimenting and discovering new things and is developing his planning and predicting skills. I would like for _________ to access Exact Path and Raz-Kids at home on a daily basis to support his in-school learning further.
[Student’s Name] is an inquisitive learner who enjoys analyzing situations and making discoveries in all parts of the school day. He is always confident to express his ideas and thoughts in class discussions. _________ can read any book in our classroom library and writes short stories in English independently using the right punctuation marks. The next step for him is to read what he has written to check if his text makes sense and, if necessary, correct his spelling. He loves to approach the science area and experiment with colors by mixing them. He can investigate and predict what might happen. His next step is to draw up his plan and prediction. He has the ability to grasp new mathematical concepts easily and can add, take away and compare numbers from 1-1000. In term 3 he will focus on the properties of 3D shapes, e.g., How many faces does a cube have?
It has been a delight to witness _________’s personality shine through this term. She approaches her learning with enthusiasm, even when motivation decreases, gentle reminders seem to help her focus. _________ has well-developed receptive language, showing a solid understanding of what is expected or asked of her, following instructions, and giving feedback either using body language or written cues. _________ shows amazing persistence in trying to verbalize her comprehension during our Science lessons, with her next step being to plan and draw her predictions. In Phonics, she is able to read simple sentences and is learning high-frequency words. Her next step is to build simple sentences and write them using writing strategies correctly. In Math, she can add and subtract within 15 and is learning how to add and subtract 2-digit numbers.
[Student’s Name] has continued to learn the routines in the class and the importance of coming to school every day. His social skill is improved and he has made some friends. During our circle time, we encourage [Student’s Name] to answer questions, using just 2 or 3 words e.g., this is big, this is small. We will continue to work on his communication skills next term. In Phonics, _________ is able to lend 2 and 3-letter words with some assistance and is learning how to form his letters correctly. He is being supported to retain his learning with opportunities to continue to practice and apply this. In Math, _________ can count and recognize numbers to 20 and is learning how to decompose and compose within 5. Please allow _________ to access ExactPath daily, this will support his in-school learning and his communication skills.
I am pleased with the steady progress _________ is making. _________ will try to answer questions during phonics and is becoming more confident using his sound knowledge to say simple 3 letter words, e.g. c-a-t, b-e-d. He tries hard to match the sound to the letter. His writing is improving slowly. For term 3, I would like _________ to write a short caption independently, for example, The cat is sad. _________ loves to learn in the role-play area. Here he uses the pizza shop to practice his addition and subtraction skills. In term 3 he will focus on the properties of 3D shapes. During our science activities, _________ will try to give explanations about his learning. He will ask for support from [Teacher’s Name] in Arabic/Spanish if he cannot answer in English. I would like _________ to use Exact Path and Raz Kids independently at home daily, to enhance his English reading and communication skills further. Keep up the good work.
I am so happy when _________ attends school. _________’s confidence is growing every day. He is beginning to speak in front of others and with his friends. _________ would benefit from more exposure to rhyme and songs in English to enable him to communicate effectively with his friends and adults in school. He enjoys playing in the construction area and will build different things, _________ will explain using the Arabic/Spanish language what he has built. He will write his name independently, however, he needs some reinforcement for his fine motor and cutting skills as discussed with you. _________ can count up to number 20, we are going to work on recognizing, matching and writing the numerals up to 20 in term 3. For English I would like to see _________ accessing RAZkids and Exact Path daily at home, this will support his communication skills and understanding in the next MAP test.
I am enjoying watching _________’s progress in different areas of learning in term 2. He is now able to focus on tasks for a sustained of time and feels proud to show his work to the teachers. _________ has an absolute love for animals and enjoys learning about them in the small world area and then joyfully sharing his discoveries with his peers and teachers. He also likes to build homes with blocks and cubes for the animals. In Math, he can do simple addition to 10 with minimal support and his next step is to master this skill and learn how to form his numbers correctly. In Phonics, we will support _________ with blending sounds to read words, such as sh-i-p: ship. His next step in learning is to write three-letter words using the sounds he has learned. Please, remember to log into Exact Path and RAZkids to continue his learning at home.
I am enjoying watching _________’s progress in different areas of learning. She is now able to focus on tasks for sustained periods of time and feels proud to show her work to the teacher. _________ has an absolute love for animals and enjoys learning about them in the small world area. She likes to draw and write about her favorite animals. She also likes to build homes with blocks and cubes for the animals. In Math, _________ can count to 20 and can recognize numbers to 10 and her next step is to recognize numbers to 30. In Phonics, we will support _________ with blending sounds to read words, such as, sh-i-p: ship. Her next step in learning is to write three-letter words using the sounds he has learned. It would help if Almaha logs into Exact Path and RAZkids at home and comes to school every day. Frequent absences may have a negative impact on a child’s academic progress.
It is such a joy to have _________ in my class. _________ is a patient, gentle and kind girl. She listens attentively during learning time and is willing to contribute her ideas or answer questions during circle time. In term 2 _________ was working on writing simple sentences like I see a cat. _________ is identifying and saying the initial sounds in words. She can also name some of the other sounds she can hear in a word. It would help a lot for her to have regular access to RAZkids and ExactPath at home also. In Math, _________ is trying very hard with her counting, recognizing and matching numbers 1-20. At home continue to use the playdoh to strengthen _________’s finger muscles and use it to count also. _________ enjoyed talking about seasons and weather and can talk about her observations I am looking forward to observing _________’s progress in term 3.
_________ is a hard-working and energetic learner. Throughout term two, she has continued to grow in confidence to contribute to the classroom discussions during small groups and carpet time. Her outgoing nature leads her to be a well-liked student who is always willing to help. _________ has worked hard on her writing skills this term. She has enjoyed learning to write her own stories independently, coming up with new characters and settings each week. She is now learning to write longer sentences using the words and, but, and because. In math, _________ is learning how to add and subtract within 30, exploring teen numbers and how to break them into tens and ones. In Science, _________ has been exploring plants and their needs. She has also enjoyed exploring the effects of the sun and is now learning how to protect species from its effects. Excellent work_________!
________ is a charming and outgoing student who brings a bright attitude to school every day. He effectively communicates his emotions and has made many friends. ________ can engage in Fred Talk and read three-letter CVC words such as pat, dog, fat, and leg. In writing, ________ is currently working towards his five-star writing skills by remembering to use capital letters, finger spaces, and using his target words. To further enhance his skills, ________ should practice identifying sight words and conjunctions to improve his sentence structure. In math, our focus has been on measurement, including concepts of heavy, light, long, and short, as well as tall. We have also worked on addition and subtraction within 10, and learning to compose and decompose numbers 11-19 using tens and ones. ________ can confidently compose and decompose numbers from 11 to 19 using tens and ones. His next step is to learn to compose and decompose numbers using hundreds, tens, and ones. In science, we have explored the needs and parts of a plant. ________ can identify the four basic needs of a plant to survive. To further improve,________ should continue practicing identifying the parts of a plant.
________ , with his friendly and outgoing personality, demonstrates strong social and emotional behavior by effectively communicating his emotions and forming meaningful friendships with his peers. ________ can decode three-letter cvc words such as, fan, cap, leg, and mom. To strengthen his reading skills, ________ is encouraged to explore more complex phonetic patterns and expand his vocabulary. In writing, ________ is currently working towards refining his five-star writing skills. To further enhance his skills, ________ should work towards taking an interest in writing simple sentences. In math, our focus has been on measurement, including concepts of heavy, light, long, short, and tall. We have also worked on addition and subtraction within 10, and learning to compose and decompose numbers 11-29 using tens and ones. ________ can confidently compose and decompose numbers from 11 to 15 using tens and ones. His next step is to learn to compose and decompose numbers up to 40. In science, we have explored the needs and parts of a plant.________ can identify the four basic needs of a plant to survive. To further improve, ________ should continue practicing identifying the parts of a plant.
It has been a pleasure getting to know _________ this term. She has a charming personality and is an absolute joy to teach._________ can decode three-letter CVC words and has been working towards improving her reading fluency and pace. She is able to write a simple sentence using the five-star writing. Her next step is to write two or more sentences using sight words and conjunctions. In math, our focus has been on measurement, including concepts of heavy, light, long, short, and tall. We have also worked on addition and subtraction within 10, and learning to compose and decompose numbers 11-29 using tens and ones. _________ can confidently describe objects’ measurement attributes using the correct vocabulary to explain the concept. To further improve, _________ should practice composing and decomposing numbers from 10 to 20 using tens and ones. In science, we have explored the needs and parts of a plant and the effects of the sun on the Earth’s surface. _________ can explain the cause and effect of why some objects melt in the sun.
It has been a pleasure getting to know _________ this term. She is a shy and quiet student who is continuing to work towards her confidence. It would benefit _________ if she continues to attend school every day. In Read Write Inc, _________ is beginning to identify sounds and blend three-letter words. To improve, she should practice identifying all her sounds to help her with Fred Talk oral blending and support her writing skills. In math, we learned about measurement, including concepts of heavy, light, long, short, and tall. We have also worked on addition and subtraction within 10, and learning to compose and decompose numbers 11-29 using tens and ones. To enhance her skills, she should practice identifying teen numbers to help compose and decompose numbers using tens and ones. In science, we have explored the needs and parts of a plant and the effects of the sun on the Earth’s surface. With support, _________ can provide an example of an object that can melt in the sun.
It has been a wonderful delight getting to know _________ this term. He has a warm, caring, and nurturing personality. _________’s English has improved, and he can express himself clearly. In Read Write Inc, students have been learning how to identify sounds to build on blending. _________ is beginning to identify most sounds. He should continue to work towards blending simple three-letter words such as cat, dog, and leg. In writing, students are working towards their five-star writing. Hamad should continue to remember using capital letters and his target words. This term in math, we learned about measurement, including concepts of heavy, light, long, short, and tall. We have also worked on addition and subtraction within 10, and learning to compose and decompose numbers 11-29 using tens and ones. _________ can add and subtract within 10; his target is to practice vertical addition using teen numbers. In science, we have explored the needs and parts of a plant and the effects of the sun on the Earth’s surface. With support, _________ can provide an example of an object that can melt in the sun.
It has been a pleasure getting to know _________ this term. He demonstrates enthusiasm for learning and continues to have a positive attitude towards his schoolwork. In Read Write Inc., students have been learning to blend three letter words and build a simple sentence. _________ is building reading fluency and pace. He is working towards writing two sentences and remembering to use five star writing. This term in math, we learned about measurement, including concepts of heavy, light, long, short, and tall. We have also worked on addition and subtraction within 10, and learning to compose and decompose numbers 11-29 using tens and ones. _________ can compose and decompose numbers 11-18 using ten base. His target is to continue praciting composing and decomposing numbers 19-30 by using ten base. In science, we have explored the needs and parts of a plant and the effects of the sun on the Earth’s surface. _________ can provide an example of an object that can melt in the sun.
_________ is a delightful student who is very sociable and has made many friends. In reading, _________ is continuing to work towards reading high-frequency words such as like, you, is, and my. _________ should continue to work towards fluency and make progress in recognizing more words. In writing, he is working on building sentences by putting together words to express his ideas clearly, and remembering to use capital letters and finger spaces. In math, we learned about measurement, including the concepts of heavy, light, long, short, and tall. We have also worked on addition and subtraction within 10, and learning to compose and decompose numbers 11-29 using tens and ones. _________ has a good understanding of how to compose and decompose numbers from 11-20. To further improve, he should practice vertical addition using teen numbers. In science, we have explored the needs and parts of a plant and the effects of the sun on the Earth’s surface. _________ can demonstrate an understanding of the cause and effect of why some objects melt in the sun.
It has been a pleasure getting to know _________ this term. She is a shy and quiet student who is continuing to work towards her confidence. It would benefit Fatima if she continues to attend school every day. In Read Write Inc, _________ is beginning to identify sounds and blend three-letter words. To improve, she should practice identifying all her sounds to help her with Fred Talk oral blending and support her writing skills. In math, we learned about measurement, including the concepts of heavy, light, long, short, and tall. We have also worked on addition and subtraction within 10, and learning to compose and decompose numbers 11-29 using tens and ones. To enhance her skills, she should practice identifying teen numbers to help compose and decompose numbers using tens and ones. In science, we have explored the needs and parts of a plant and the effects of the sun on the Earth’s surface. With support, Fati_________ can provide an example of an object that can melt in the sun.
It has been a wonderful delight getting to know _________ this term. He has a warm, caring, and nurturing personality. _________’s English has improved, and he can express himself clearly. In Read Write Inc, students have been learning how to identify sounds to build on blending. _________ is beginning to identify most sounds. He should continue to work towards blending simple three-letter words such as cat, dog, and leg. In writing, students are working towards their five-star writing. _________ should continue to remember using capital letters and his target words. This term in math, we learned about measurement, including concepts of heavy, light, long, short, and tall. We have also worked on addition and subtraction within 10, and learning to compose and decompose numbers 11-29 using tens and ones. _________ can add and subtract within 10; his target is to practice vertical addition using teen numbers. In science, we have explored the needs and parts of a plant and the effects of the sun on the Earth’s surface. With support, _________ can provide an example of an object that can melt in the sun.
_________ has begun to feel more comfortable with his surroundings and is starting to show his personality. He is an energetic student who occasionally needs reminders to listen. In Read Write Inc., students are learning to identify set one sounds: m, a, s, d, t. With support, _________ is working towards identifying these sounds. His target is to continue practicing his sounds. In writing, students are learning to draw about characters of a story. _________’s mark-making is beginning to resemble real pictures. To further improve,_________ should practice his pencil grip and dictate his drawings to the teacher to build on his vocabulary skills. This term in math, we learned about measurement, including concepts of heavy, light, long, short, and tall. To enhance his math skills, he should continue practicing identifying objects that are tall, long, and short. In science, we have explored the needs and parts of a plant and the effects of the sun on the Earth’s surface. With support, _________ can provide the needs of plants and what happens when the needs are not met. His next step is to identify parts of the plant using vocabulary words such as flower, stem, roots, and leaf.
It has been enjoyable getting to know _________ this term. She has shown signs of confidence and is beginning to raise her hand during whole group discussions. In phonics, students are learning to identify the beginning sounds of objects. In writing, students are exploring various topics and explaining their reasoning by constructing sentences using five-star writing. To further improve, _________ should practice identifying 18 uppercase and lowercase letters. This will support her reading skills and assist her in writing CVC words. In math, we covered measurement concepts such as heavy, light, long, short, and tall. Additionally, we focused on learning to compose and decompose numbers 11-29 using tens and ones. With support, _________ can compose and decompose numbers 10-13 using tens and ones. Her target is to practice counting in 10s to enhance her understanding of base ten math concepts. In science, we explored the needs and parts of a plant, as well as the effects of the sun on the Earth’s surface. With support, _________ can identify some of the needs of plants. It would benefit _________ to attend school regularly so she can make progress in all areas.
_________ is a sweet and caring student who continues to work towards building her confidence. In Read Write Inc., students are learning to blend three-letter words. With support, _________ is beginning to blend words such as cat, sit, mat, and dog. Her target is to continue practicing blending three to four-letter words. In writing,_________ is starting to construct simple sentences. To further enhance her skills, she should practice writing her sight words and tricky words to improve her writing. In math, we covered measurement concepts such as heavy, light, long, short, and tall. Additionally, we focused on learning to compose and decompose numbers 11-29 using tens and ones. With support, _________ can compose and decompose numbers from 10-13 using ten base. To further enhance her math skills, she should practice composing and decomposing numbers from 10 to 20 using tens and ones. In science, we explored the needs and parts of a plant, as well as the effects of the sun on the Earth’s surface. With support, _________ can provide reasons for objects to melt in the sun.
It has been an absolute pleasure getting to know_________ She is a warm and nurturing student who consistently demonstrates kindness and respect towards her friends and teachers. In phonics, she is currently working on identifying letter names and sounds in the alphabet, as well as blending three-letter words. To further enhance her skills, _________ should continue practicing identifying all the alphabets to support blending words such as cat, sit, dog, and leg. In writing, students have been learning to illustrate a topic using sequential language—first, next, then, and last. _________ exhibits a good understanding of this order. To further enhance her skills, she should practice writing sight words. In math, we covered measurement concepts such as heavy, light, long, short, and tall, as well as 2D and 3D shapes and counting in 10s. To further improve, _________ should practice counting to 50 and counting in 10s. In science, we explored the needs and parts of a plant, as well as the effects of the sun on the Earth’s surface. With support, _________ can provide reasons for objects melting in the sun.
It has been an absolute joy teaching _________. He is a sweet and caring student who is respectful towards his friends and teachers. He has a good command of English and can express his needs and concerns clearly._________ is beginning to identify some sounds in the alphabet. His target is to continue identifying most of the alphabets to support blending. In writing, students use sequential language to describe their drawings. _________’s next step is to write a simple sentence. In math, we covered measurement concepts such as heavy, light, long, short, and tall. We focused on learning to compose and decompose numbers 11-29 using tens and ones. With support, _________ can compose and decompose numbers from 10-15 using ten base. To further enhance his math skills, he should practice composing and decomposing numbers from 10 to 20 using tens and ones. In science, we explored the needs and parts of a plant, as well as the effects of the sun on the Earth’s surface. _________ can identify four needs of a plant; his next step is to identify parts of a plant.
It has been wonderful getting to know _________. He is beginning to feel more comfortable in the classroom and is taking ownership of his learning. _________ is beginning to use words that he hears in class and during interactions with adults and students. He enjoys socializing and interacting with his classmates, showing interest in learning, and beginning to sit with his group to access his learning. To continue his growth and development, _________ should attend school regularly to establish a routine. Regular attendance will also support his attendance at therapy sessions, which will benefit him. He should continue to focus on fundamental communication directives to express his emotions, remembering to use an inside voice, gentle hands, and a soft touch. I look forward to working together to ensure _________ reaches his full potential.
It has been a wonderful delight getting to know _________this term. She is a hard-working student who always strives for the best. In Read Write Inc., students are learning to blend three-letter words. S_________ has made good progress in being able to read three-letter words. Her target is to work on reading fluency and pace. In writing, students are learning to write a simple sentence. To further improve, _________ should continue to practice writing two or more sentences by using her sight and CVC words. In math, we covered measurement concepts such as heavy, light, long, short, and tall. Additionally, we focused on learning to compose and decompose numbers 11-29 using tens and ones, along with addition and subtraction within 10. With support, _________ can compose and decompose numbers from 10-15 using ten base. Her next step is to solve vertical addition and subtraction problems. In science, we explored the needs and parts of a plant, as well as the effects of the sun on the Earth’s surface._________ can predict things that will melt and provide an explanation for her choice.
_________ has begun to feel more comfortable with his surroundings and is starting to show his personality. He is an energetic student who occasionally needs reminders to listen. In phonics, _________ is beginning to read three-letter words. In writing, he is working towards writing simple sentences. To further enhance his skills, _________ should practice identifying tricky words and CVC words to improve his writing skills. In math, we covered measurement concepts such as heavy, light, long, short, and tall. Additionally, we focused on learning to compose and decompose numbers 11-29 using tens and ones, along with addition and subtraction within 10. _________ can compose and decompose numbers from 10-14 using ten base. His next step is to compose and decompose numbers up to 20. In science, we explored the needs and parts of a plant, as well as the effects of the sun on the Earth’s surface. With support, _________ can predict things that will melt and provide an explanation for his choice.
It has been a pleasure getting to know _________ this term. She is caring and respectful towards her friends and teachers. _________ is very affectionate and enjoys giving warm hugs to the teachers. In Read Write Inc., students have been learning to blend three-letter words and write simple sentences. _________ can blend three-letter words, and her target is to read four-letter words while remembering to use five-star writing. In math, we covered measurement concepts such as heavy, light, long, short, and tall. Additionally, we focused on learning to compose and decompose numbers 11-29 using tens and ones, along with addition and subtraction within 10. _________ can compose and decompose numbers from 10-15 using ten base. To further enhance her skills, she should practice vertical addition with teen numbers. In science, we explored the needs and parts of a plant, as well as the effects of the sun on the Earth’s surface. _________ can make predictions, investigate objects that can melt, and provide an explanation for her choice.
_________ is a delightful and sociable student who arrives at school with a cheerful demeanor and eagerness to learn. He can express his feelings clearly and seeks specific support from teachers. In Read Write Inc., _________ has made good progress in blending three-letter words. In writing, students are learning to build simple sentences. To further improve, _________ should remember to use his five-star writing skills and practice reading high-frequency words to write two or more sentences. In math, we covered measurement concepts such as heavy, light, long, short, and tall. Additionally, we focused on learning to compose and decompose numbers 11-29 using tens and ones. _________ has a good understanding of how to compose and decompose numbers from 10-15 using a ten base. His next step is to practice identifying 3D shapes such as spheres, cubes, triangular prisms, and cones. In science, we explored the needs and parts of a plant, as well as the effects of the sun on the Earth’s surface. _________ can make predictions about things that can melt in the sun and provide an explanation for his reasoning.
It has been a pleasure getting to know _________ this term. He settled well into the term after missing almost the whole term in 1. _________ adjusted well to daily routines and classroom expectations. In phonics, students have been learning to blend three-letter sounds. In writing, students have been learning to draw a detailed picture and write a sentence to match their illustration._________ is able to blend three-letter words and read some tricky words. To further enhance his skills, _________ should practice reading his high-frequency words to support his writing and also remember his five-star writing. In math, we covered measurement concepts such as heavy, light, long, short, and tall. We also focused on learning to compose and decompose numbers 11-29 using tens and ones. _________ has a good understanding of how to compose and decompose numbers from 10-20 using a ten base. To further enhance his skills, _________ should practice vertical addition problems in teen numbers. In science, we explored the needs and parts of a plant, as well as the effects of the sun on the Earth’s surface. _________ can explain the needs of a plant and some parts of the plant.
It has been wonderful getting to know _________. She is a sweet and soft-spoken student who is working towards expressing her needs. In phonics, students are learning to identify letter names and sounds. _________ is beginning to read simple two-letter words. In writing, students are learning to draw about their science predictions and explain their drawings. To further improve, _________ should practice identifying all the letters in the alphabet and dictate her drawings to the teacher using full sentences. In math, we covered measurement concepts such as heavy, light, long, short, and tall. We also focused on learning to compose and decompose numbers 11-29 using tens and ones and identifying 2D and 3D shapes in our environment. To enhance her skills, she should practice identifying 2D and 3D shapes. In science, we explored the needs and parts of a plant, as well as the effects of the sun on the Earth’s surface._________ can provide two needs of a plant to grow. Her target is to use vocabulary words such as plant, flower, leaf, and stem to explain the parts of a plant.
It has been a wonderful delight getting to know _________ this term. She is a hard-working student who always strives for the best. _________ has an excellent command of English and is very confident in asking questions about things she doesn’t understand. In Read Write Inc., students are learning to blend three-letter words._________ has made good progress in being able to read three-letter words. Her target is to work on reading fluency and pace. In writing, students are learning to write a simple sentence. To further improve, _________ should continue to practice writing two or more sentences using her high-frequency words. In math, we covered measurement concepts such as heavy, light, long, short, and tall. Additionally, we focused on learning to compose and decompose numbers 11-29 using tens and ones, along with addition and subtraction within 10. _________ can compose and decompose numbers from 10-15 using a ten-base. Her next step is to solve vertical addition and subtraction problems. In science, we explored the needs and parts of a plant, as well as the effects of the sun on the Earth’s surface. _________ can predict things that will melt and provide an explanation for her choice.
It has been an absolute delight getting to know _________. She is a fast-paced and energetic learner who is well-liked by her friends and enjoys guiding and supporting them. In phonics, _________ can read two and three-letter CVC words. To further enhance her skills, she should continue to decode and segment three to four-letter words. In writing, she is beginning to write simple sentences using five-star writing. Her next step is to practice her tricky words to support writing more complex sentences using conjunction words such as ‘because’ and ‘and’. In math, we covered measurement concepts such as heavy, light, long, short, and tall. Additionally, we focused on learning to compose and decompose numbers 11-29 using tens and ones. With support, _________ can compose and decompose numbers from 10-15. To further enhance her skills, she should continue to practice composing and decomposing numbers up to 30 using ten base. In science, we have explored the needs and parts of a plant and the effects of the sun on the Earth’s surface. _________ can provide an example of an object that can melt in the sun and provide an explanation for her prediction. I look forward to watching _________ grow.
It has been wonderful getting to know _________ this term. He is a busy student who is working on staying focused during whole group discussions. _________’s English vocabulary is expanding. He is able to express his needs such as asking for water and using the toilet. To further enhance his communication, _________ should practice speaking in complete sentences. In phonics, students have been learning to blend three-letter words such as mat, sad, and dad. With support, _________ is beginning to blend three-letter words. In writing, students have been focusing on writing simple sentences on a given topic. _________’s drawings are resembling pictures. He is working towards labeling his work. His next step is to identify 12 uppercase and lowercase letters in the alphabet to support blending and labeling his work. In math, we covered measurement concepts such as heavy, light, long, short, and tall. We also learned to skip counting in 10s and solve vertical addition problems. To further enhance his skills, he should continue to practice identifying 2D and 3D shapes. In science, we have explored the needs and parts of a plant and the effects of the sun on the Earth’s surface. _________ can provide one basic need of a plant. His next step is to use vocabulary words to describe parts of a plant such as stem, leaf, flower, and roots.
It has been a wonderful delight getting to know _________ this term. He is a sweet and charming student who is considerate toward his friends. In Read Write Inc., students are learning how to blend three-letter words and how to recall a sentence and write what they remember. _________ is continuing to work towards blending three-letter words. To further enhance his skills, _________ should practice identifying all 26 letters in the alphabet. He should also practice his high-frequency words and use them to build a simple sentence. In math, we covered measurement concepts such as heavy, light, long, short, and tall. We also focused on learning to compose and decompose numbers 11-29 using tens and ones. With support, _________ can compose and decompose numbers from 10-15 using a ten base. To further enhance his skills, he should continue to practice counting in 10s to support composing and decomposing numbers using tens and ones. In science, we have explored the needs and parts of a plant and the effects of the sun on the Earth’s surface. _________ can provide an example of an object that can melt in the sun and provide an explanation for his prediction.
It has been wonderful getting to know _________ this term. She is a quiet, shy, and reserved student who enjoys interacting with her friends. _________ finds comfort in sitting next to them during whole group lessons and snack time. To further improve, _________ should work on building her confidence in speaking to teachers to express her needs. Although _________ can write her name independently, she requires support in identifying the letters in her name. To enhance her skills, _________ should practice identifying all 26 letters and their sounds in the alphabet to support her reading and writing abilities. In math, we covered measurement concepts such as heavy, light, long, short, and tall. With support, _________ can compose and decompose numbers from 10-12. Her next step is to practice counting to 20 and identifying numbers up to 20. In science, we explored the needs and parts of a plant, as well as the effects of the sun on the Earth’s surface._________ can predict what objects will melt in the sun through her drawings. I look forward to watching her grow next term.
_________’s behavior is excellent, and she is a good role model to others. She enjoys our phonics sessions and can read almost any book that we have in our classroom library. In Math,_________ can add and subtract within 100, can identify the values of 2 and 3-digit numbers. In term 3 she will focus on the properties of 3D shapes, e.g., how many faces does a cube have. In Phonics, she can write small paragraphs with minimal assistance, accurately forming her letters and drawing lovely and colorful pictures. Her next step is to write them independently, read what she writes, and do self-correction when needed, _________ enjoyed all our science classes, especially planting seeds and observing the flowers changing their colors after adding food coloring to the water. She can investigate and predict what might happen, her next step is to draw up her plan and prediction.
_________ is an enthusiastic learner who enjoys every aspect of school. She is confident to express her ideas and thoughts in class discussions. In Phonics, _________ can read simple stories with minimal support. She utterly enjoyed retelling stories through talk for writing._________ was also the narrator in the play the class performed on Jack and the Beanstalk. She has shown great improvement in her writing and is now able to write short stories on her own. Her next step is to read what she writes and make self-corrections when needed. In Math, she can identify the values of 2-digit numbers and, with some support, is able to add and subtract within 100. In term 3 she will focus on the properties of 3D shapes, e.g., how many faces does a cube have. In Science _________ can investigate and predict what might happen, her next step is to draw up her plan and prediction.
End-of-term comments are an opportunity to recognize and appreciate the multifaceted growth and achievements of our students. By encompassing both academic and social-emotional aspects, teachers can provide a comprehensive and supportive feedback system that encourages continuous development. These sample comments serve as a starting point for kindergarten and elementary teachers, enabling them to craft personalized, empowering messages for their students. Let us celebrate the progress made, inspire further growth, and look forward to the successes that lie ahead.