As a kindergarten teacher, one of the most important things I do is help my students understand their identity and develop a sense of self. This is why I love teaching the “All About Me” unit.
During this unit, we explore various aspects of the students’ lives, including their families, hobbies, likes and dislikes, and physical characteristics. The goal is to help them become more self-aware and comfortable with who they are.
“All About Me” How to Teach
To start off, I always read a book about self-discovery, such as “I Like Myself!” by Karen Beaumont or “Chrysanthemum” by Kevin Henkes. This helps introduce the topic and gets the students excited to share more about themselves.
Next, we do a variety of activities to explore different aspects of their identity. For example, we create family trees where students can share about their family members and draw pictures of them. We also make “My Favorite Things” collages, where they cut out pictures from magazines that represent things they like, and we discuss why those things are important to them.
Me Bag
One of my favorite activities is the “Me Bag.” I ask each student to bring in a bag with five items that represent who they are. They then take turns presenting their bags to the class and explaining why they chose each item. This activity is a great way for the students to learn about each other and build empathy and understanding.

In addition to these activities, I also have a set of free printable worksheets that I use to supplement our lessons. These worksheets include things like “My Family” and “My Favorite Things” worksheets, as well as coloring pages featuring diverse characters that the students can identify with.
Another important part of the “All About Me” unit is teaching students about diversity and inclusion. We discuss how everyone is different and that’s what makes us special. We read books that feature characters from different cultures and backgrounds and talk about how we can learn from and appreciate those differences.
Overall, the “All About Me” unit is a fun and engaging way for students to explore their identities and learn about themselves and others. By the end of the unit, I always see a noticeable increase in their self-confidence and self-awareness.

If you’re a parent or teacher looking to do an “All About Me” unit with your child or students, I highly recommend using a variety of activities and resources to make it engaging and fun. And don’t forget to emphasize the importance of diversity and inclusion!
To help get you started, I’ve included a set of free printable worksheets related to the “All About Me” theme. These worksheets include: “All About Me- Math”, “My Family,” “My Favorite Things,” and “Self-Portrait” worksheets, as well as hands-on activities.
You can download the printables here:
- “All About Me- Math”
- My Family Mini Booklet
- Things I like and Dislike
- Self Portrait
- All About Me Worksheets
I hope these resources help make your “All About Me” unit a success!
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